If you are planning to write or have written a book on any of the areas in which we publish and would like us to consider it for publication, please email a summary of the project to editorial@artbookspublishing.co.uk. Please note that we accept only written submissions and cannot discuss unsolicited proposals via the telephone. If we think that Art / Books may be the right home for your idea, we may ask you to submit a more detailed outline.
We receive a large volume of unsolicited proposals. While we will read and consider all of them, we are unable to respond to each one, however much we would like to. If you do not receive a reply from us, it is because we are not the right publisher for your proposed book.
Please note that we do not accept any submissions from individual artists, photographers or designers except by invitation.
We do not publish fiction, including childrens’ picture or story books.
If you are an established commercial gallery, public museum or arts organization and would like to discuss collaborating on an exhibition catalogue or any other publication, please write to the publisher Andrew Brown with details.
If you are fellow publishing house in another country and would like to explore any co-publishing opportunities with us, please also write to the publisher.
We currently have no vacancies for paid positions, internships or work placements. Positions will be advertised on our home page and via Twitter when they become available. Due to the volume of requests we receive, we regret that we are unable to respond to unsolicited enquiries about working with us.